Automated testing is the way forward. It is faster than manual testing, and you can easily rerun your tests at no extra cost. With this course, you'll learn how to use Selenium to efficiently test your own applications.
Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms. WebDriver, part of that suite, is a web automation framework that allows you to execute your tests against different browsers.
Web testing is mission critical for big business and it's becoming more complicated with each passing day. With WebDriver you can create robust, browser-based regression automation suites and tests scale and distribute scripts across many environments. It also enables you to use a programming language in creating your test scripts and is the core technology in many browser automation tools, APIs and frameworks.
It is one of the most sought after skills. Selenium Webdriver jobs are on a rise and are highly paid and highly valued. The industry is shifting towards automation rapidly. With more and more applications becoming accessible through the browser it becomes very important to learn Selenium WebDriver.
There are several challenges when writing automated tests for web applications: selecting an adequate test framework, using appropriate selectors to avoid flaky tests, and building a good testing framework. This course walks you through these challenges and provides you with the knowledge to overcome hurdles in testing by developing stable and effective testing solutions. You will learn the complete process of automated testing, such as configuring your environment, creating and running automated tests, analyzing reports, and troubleshooting errors by using a Selenium Grid.
CourseMonster Selenium training institute helps you learn Selenium, one of the top automation testing tool. As part of the training, you will learn Selenium components like Selenium IDE, RC, WebDriver and Grid through hands-on projects and case studies.
CourseMonster Selenium Training enables you to master the complete Selenium 3.0 suite from basic to advanced level through hands-on sessions. It provides in-depth knowledge of Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, TestNG, Locating Techniques, and more through real-time projects and practical examples. This will help you to successfully clear the Selenium certification exam and advance your career in the automation testing domain.
Popular courses are Automated Testing With Selenium WebDriver Training
How long will it take to learn Selenium?
If you are committed to learning Selenium fundamentals and begin testing web apps as soon as feasible, you will need 30 to 40 days to do so. You should have a fundamental understanding of any programming languages, such as PHP, Java, Python, and others.
What is the best way to learn Selenium?
Learn the fundamentals of Java before getting started with Selenium. JavaTPoint is an excellent resource for learning Java from the ground up. Learn about oops ideas, fundamental syntaxes, file reading and writing, and the collection framework. It's possible that learning and practicing this will take only about a week.
Which is the best online training for Selenium?
These are primarily basic classes that will teach you what Selenium is, how it operates, and what advantages it offers developers. However, several of the courses are complex, teaching advanced subjects such as parallel testing process with Selenium.
· Selenium WebDriver Training with Java Basics
· Selenium with C# and Java Titbits
· Selenium WebDriver with C#
· Cucumber with Selenium Java
· Cucumber, Selenium & Java
What is Selenium certification?
Selenium Training is aimed to teach developers and testers how to use a powerful framework to automate web-based applications and incorporate it into a company's DevOps operations.
How much does Selenium certification cost?
The cost of Selenium certification is between USD 90 and USD 135.
If you need training for 3 or more people, you should ask us about onsite training. Putting aside the obvious location benefit, content can be customised to better meet your business objectives and more can be covered than in a public classroom. It's a cost effective option. One on one training can be delivered too, at reasonable rates.
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LVC = Live Virtual Class
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