
DevOps Course

course overview

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This a highly practical course is designed to take an organization working in an ITIL environment through the steps to adopting DevOps and choice of a first value stream to work with.


  • Definitions & Perceptions: Giving us a common lexicon for the course and exploring current perceptions of DevOps and ITIL.
  • Case Study – Introduction to Global Appliance Supply Company – Includes a SWOT analysis focused on DevOps adoption.
  • Business Case and Value Stream – The business case for DevOps incorporating the measures by which success will be judged. Choosing the first value stream to be worked on.
  • Stakeholder Management – identifying the key stakeholders in adopting DevOps and levels of commitment needed.
  • DevOps Readiness Assessment – a lower level look at the individual requirements for the successful adoption.
  • Time to Value – Understanding how Agile Users Stories and ITIL Change Management theory are compatible.
  • DevOps Team Structure – putting together the right people from a diverse group of candidates.
  • Release and Change – adaption of a standard ITIL Release policy for a DevOps / automated environment.
  • Tooling – exploring the concept of a tool chain and choosing the correct set for our scenario.
  • Further integration – Following the success of our first value stream how can we apply DevOps concepts elsewhere in the lifecycle?
  • Adaption for Future Value Streams – taking the rejected value streams from exercise 3 and thinking about how we could make them work.

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Thinking about Onsite?

If you need training for 3 or more people, you should ask us about onsite training. Putting aside the obvious location benefit, content can be customised to better meet your business objectives and more can be covered than in a public classroom. Its a cost effective option. One on one training can be delivered too, at reasonable rates.

Submit an enquiry from any page on this site and let us know you are interested in the requirements box, or simply mention it when we contact you.

All $ prices are in USD unless it’s a NZ or AU date

SPVC = Self Paced Virtual Class

LVC = Live Virtual Class

Please Note: All courses are availaible as Live Virtual Classes

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